Dear John,

Do you want a victory mindset during the toughest times?

Do you want to be a life-changing coach, helping others to victory during the toughest times?

Then join us for the 2 part webinar!



Join Us Thursday, March 19th @ 2:00PM Central!

Register here.

What if the right mindset, beliefs, and actions during the toughest times actually make you STRONGER and prepare you for your ultimate purpose?

Good news - They do!

If you need a dose of encouragement, a prescription of hope, a plan to become STRONGER and a way to help others become STRONGER, then you will love this 2 part webinar!

Part 1 (first 30 mins of webinar)


Expect the best - This is 100% about your mindset and your beliefs. Focus on what you can do. Focus on solutions. Make sure to choose your input wisely. Use the extra time on your hands to develop yourself and your business/career. There is no downside to this and science agrees. A positive mindset has great health benefits. A fear driven negative mindset hurts your immune system.

Prepare for the worst - Yes, absolutely wash your hands and make sure you have supplies on hand. Absolutely use wisdom in your travel and social interactions. And while you are preparing, tell your mind you get to do all of the things you have been putting off. Focus on what you can do, not what you can’t do.

Capitalize on what comes - No one really knows what tomorrow, or next week, or next month has in store for us. If your mindset is right, if you are focused on serving others, if you are intentional about growing yourself, then you will be perfectly positioned to make a difference in this world. This will allow you to have the biggest impact possible.

Part 2 (second 30 mins of webinar)

Are you already a coach? Have you always wanted to be a coach? Do you feel called to help others overcome adversity and achieve their dreams and goals?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then Part 2 is for you!

  • How to build a successful coaching practice...
  • ​How to find and use proven content...
  • ​​How to be a great coach...
  • ​​How to get the support, encouragement and accountability to be successful long term...
  • ​​How to find clients...
  • ​​How to enroll them effectively...
  • ​​How to use the best accountability tools for your existing or future coaching clients...

In Part 2 you will learn the 5 Keys to being a successful coach and building a successful coaching practice:

  1. The Right Person
  2. The Right Program
  3. The Right Process
  4. The Right Support
  5. The Right Business Systems

If you are ready to become intentionally STRONGER and help others do the same, then join us, Thursday, March 19th at 2pm CST.

Register for the webinar here.

If you cannot be there live, go ahead and register, and we'll send you the replay.

Choose to Win!


CEO of Ziglar, Inc.

Author of Choose to Win


Ziglar, Inc., 15400 Knoll Trail Drive, Suite 103, Dallas, Texas 75248 United States 1 (800) 527-0306