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A Special Webinar for Business Owners 

Fort Pitt Capital Group’s Chris Chaney, a Certified Exit Planning Advisor, is hosting the webinar, "Accelerating Past COVID: from Owning a Business to Owning Your Future," featuring advice from tax and estate lawyers from Dentons Cohen & Grigsby as well as Retirement Plan Services Director Nathan Boxx. We will cover planning a pathway to successful exit & succession strategies that consider:

  • The business itself: maximizing its value and setting it up for success
  • Your personnel: creating incentives for the people who are key to the future of your business 
  • Personal needs:  addressing all aspects to ensure the outcome you want

If the past year has you re-thinking your future, discover steps you can take to secure the success of your business, and write the next chapter of your life at this informative webinar, Tuesday, Apr 13 at 12:00pm. Register here.

Featuring Tax & Estate Lawyers from:

Registration is free. Simply click this link. 



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Fort Pitt Capital Group, LLC is an SEC registered investment advisor registered. For more information, please visit to request a copy of Form ADV. Registration with the SEC does not imply any particular level of skill or training.

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1500 Paxton St., Harrisburg, PA 17104