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  Post-Election Analysis: What Can We Expect From the New Administration and the New Congress?
Thursday, November 17, 2016
2:00 p.m. ET


Estate planning practitioners (like all Americans) are anxiously awaiting the results for the Presidential election, as well as the contests for seats in the House and Senate. Once we know who our elected officials will be, we will have a better idea of what we can expect from them in terms of income taxes, estate taxes and other related issues.


To help us figure it all out, our webinar speakers, James Brockway and Todd Angkatavanich of Withers Bergman, LLP and Jonathan Blattmachr will give their best predictions on what the election results may mean for:

  • Taxation of Ordinary Income
  • Taxation of Capital Gains and Dividends
  • Estate and Gift Taxation – Rates and Exemptions
  • Basis of Inherited Assets
  • Restrictions on Wealth Transfer Planning Techniques
  • Carried Interests
  • Portability of Estate Exemptions
  • Limitations on Itemized Deductions
  • Corporate Tax Reform and Impact on Individuals
  • Planning Suggestions and Timing
Our Speakers

James R. Brockway
Withers Bergman, LLP
Todd Angkatavanich
Withers Bergman, LLP
Jonathan Blattmachr
ILS Management, LLC

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