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Dear Reader,

Matt Hibbard here.

I'm Port Phillip Publishing's income specialist.

This is quiet unusual for me...

I'm not one to jump on the Port Phillip soapbox. You're more likely to hear from tech expert Sam Volkering, resources guru Jason Stevenson...or publisher Kris Sayce than me.

Today, however, is a different story...

I've commandeered Port Phillip Publishing broadcasts for the next few days to fill you in on an extraordinary investing 'loophole' I've uncovered.

A loophole that could allow regular Aussie investors access into the Future Fund – the federal government’s private superannuation fund...

And potentially collect thousands of dollars in extra income every month.

When I first heard about this, I admit — I was sceptical of the rumours.

So, here’s what I did...

I decided to conduct a full investigation into these claims.

I reached out to thousands of Australians, all over the country, and spent nine months researching the situation.

What I discovered was completely unexpected...

Thousands of Australians have managed to legally 'piggyback' the Future Fund and now collect monthly income hits of between $540 and $6,667, as a result.

Folks like:

  • 77 year-old M H a retired farmer living in South Australia, he stumbled across this weird - but lucrative - income strategy a few years back. Since then he’s open to monthly income amounts like $575 and $1,362...
  • Retiree Leon M switched on this secret strategy inside his self-managed super fund...and now collects a monthly income stream of around $540...
  • Or Jolly, who – on average – collects $6,667 each month using this loophole.

From what I can gather, these folks do this without working for the government.

They don’t appear to be linked to public servants. Or parliamentary insiders.

And here’s what’s so incredible about the whole thing...

Anyone can do it.

You don’t need to fill out any complicated paperwork. And you don’t need to be affiliated with any Australian government organisation.

Starting Wednesday, I'd like to show YOU how you could take advantage of this income strategy for yourself…and potentially collect hundreds…maybe thousands of dollars in extra income each month.

I’ve bundled all my analysis into a special online presentation to showcase everything I uncovered during my investigation...

Like how this group of savvy Aussie investors managed to unlock this little-known and potentially lucrative income secret...

How much money they receive...

How long they’ve been earning it...

And how you could set up a Future Fund-style income stream for yourself.

Our legal department are giving my presentation the once over as I type.

We pull the covers off Wednesday.

Watch this space.


Matt Hibbard signature

Matt Hibbard,
Income Specialist, Port Phillip Publishing

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Calculating Your Future Returns: The value of any investment and the income derived from it can go down as well as up. Never invest more than you can afford to lose and keep in mind the ultimate risk is that you can lose whatever you've invested. While useful for detecting patterns, the past is not a guide to future performance. Some figures contained in this report are forecasts and may not be a reliable indicator of future results. Any potential gains in this letter do not include taxes, brokerage commissions, or associated fees. Please seek independent financial advice regarding your particular situation. Investme nts in foreign companies involve risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Specifically, changes in the rates of exchange between currencies may cause a divergence between your nominal gain and your currency-converted gain, making it possible to lose money once your total return is adjusted for currency.
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