Dear John,

Stop and think deeply about this question. What would it mean to love yourself more in 2023? What would you like to change? Do more of? Less of? 

Contrary to what you might think, you don’t have to make monumental changes to love yourself more. As a matter of fact, one tiny step, done consistently, could have a dramatic effect on your whole life. Seriously. Things like leaving the phone out of your bedroom, going out into nature every day – even for 5 minutes, exclaiming that your day is going to be great the moment you wake up, or making a short gratitude list before bed, could have huge, positive consequences.

Consistency is the superpower behind loving ourselves.

My friend Ileen listens to Abraham-Hicks’ “Everything is always working out for me,” every morning as she gets ready for the day. And she’s done so for more than three years. Ileen is one of the happiest, most animated human beings I know. 

One daily ritual in service to your well-being is the kind of gift to give yourself in the New Year. 

Loving and kind. 

May 2023 be your best year yet!


P.S. –My new audiobook, Self Care for the Wisdom Years, is now available from Sounds True. You can find it, here.

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