Dear John,

Can you imagine the kind of year you’d have if you said “Yes!” to this question:

If you did, this one commitment would dramatically alter the course of your life. While it might seem like a tall order, it starts with the simple step of meditating ten minutes a day to develop the habit of observing your thoughts. As you do, you’ll start to naturally separate yourself from the inner noise and that’s your ticket to freedom. 

Freedom from worry.
Freedom from drama.
Freedom from mental and physical exhaustion.

Freedom to choose how you’ll respond to life’s inevitable challenges. What a gift.

I’m continuing to make this my number one priority in 2022 and I invite you to join me. I may even host free zoom gatherings to support you in doing so (let me know if this is of interest).

You deserve to enjoy your life regardless of what’s happening in the world. And you can. With time and consistent practice, you’ll find freedom in the silence. 

Come on! Your ticket is waiting 😉. 

Happy (Calm) New Year!


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