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March 28, 2016
Life Makeover for the Year 2016
Week 13 - Finding hope in dire circumstances
Dear John,

I’m getting ready for our first “Self Care by the Sea” retreat in York, Maine at the end of April.  I’m so excited to spend the weekend with women who are ready to take their lives to a deeper, more soulful level. 

There are still a few spots left in the October retreat.  You can read about it and register here

Have a wonderful week!


p.s. - Need a little Divine Direction? Use the "Touch of Grace" button on our homepage here.
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Finding hope in dire circumstances

Happy Easter . Today’s blog is an old favorite about the miracle of resurrection. Enjoy!

A month ago, Michael and I had thirty trees planted in our yard and as soon as they were in the ground, birds began to build nests.  I was so excited to find a robin's nest in the pine tree behind the barn, an oriole's nest in the Norway spruce at the bend in the driveway, and a tiny wren's nest in the juniper tree by our front door. 

Every day, as I left or entered the house, I would carefully peek into the wren's nest to see how things were progressing.  I couldn't wait to hear the chirping of new babies once the eggs were hatched.     

Much to my dismay, however, one afternoon when returning home from a meeting, I found a tiny baby lying on the ground with two eggs at its side - one broken, one not.  Shocked, I gently moved a branch aside only to find another baby bird, alive, and hanging by its leg from the nest.   

I stood by the tree on the verge of tears, disappointed and worried about what to do.  I'd always heard that you should never touch a bird or its nest for fear that the mother would abandon her babies (I've since learned this is not true).  But, knowing that I couldn't just leave the scene like that, I rushed into the house, found a pair of gloves, and went back to at least give the baby birds a respectable end to their lives.     

I oh-so-gently unhooked the baby hanging from the nest and placed it inside.  Then I picked up the unbroken egg and set it next to the baby.  When I reached down to pick the other tiny bird up off the ground, I discovered that it, too, was alive.   So I carefully placed it into the nest next to its sibling. 

Then, I went into the house to tell Michael what happened.  I assumed that the birds would die together huddled in their nest.   

The next morning I braced myself as I left for a meeting.  I prayed that the mother would come back, but I assumed the babies would have died overnight alone in the nest. 

Sure enough, when I looked inside, there was no mom to be found, however, I could see tiny heartbeats in the babies that remained.  Feeling frustrated and sad, I left for the day.   

When I returned home, much to my astonishment, I found the mother wren sitting on top of her babies!  I stood there, mouth open, stunned by the sight.  I stared into the little mother's eyes and thanked her for coming back. Then I ran into the house to share the good news with Michael.     

This morning, I was a bit nervous to check in on them again to see what may have happened overnight.  But, I'm happy to report that there are three babies in the nest!  Yes, even the little egg hatched. 

The babies look like they're almost ready to open their eyes to the world.    

Finding these beautiful, little beings alive fills me with hope that even out of the most dire circumstances, good can come. 

I hope it gives you a lift today, too!

This Week's Video

Here’s a video of a man who cares for birds and they clearly feel his love. You can watch it here. Thanks, Robin .
Life Makeover For The Year 2016 (sm) is written and produced by Cheryl Richardson.
If you have any questions or comments, or for reprint permission of this newsletter, please email: cheryl@cherylrichardson.com

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