Dear John,

Last Monday, I recorded a Facebook Live that offered three things:

  1. A way to instantly calm your body to help reduce your stress and anxiety.
  2. A tapping exercise to help you metabolize the extra cortisol that might be running through your system these days. This exercise can not only help relax your mind and body, but it can also eliminate fear and help you to fall asleep or get back to sleep if you wake in the middle of the night.   
  3. A self-care assignment designed to not only lift your spirits but those of loved ones and strangers.

I finished the event with a coaching session taking questions from viewers. 

If you feel anxious or afraid…

If you’re feeling the anxiety of others or of the world…

If you’re highly sensitive and dealing with the tension of overworked empathy muscles…

If you’re pulling your hair out because you’re stuck in the house trying to be all things to all people…

please try the exercises I offer. Also, feel free to share them with others who need support, too.

I’ve included a timeline in the description so you know when I cover each topic in case you want to fast-forward to what you need most. And I’ve added links to the resources discussed during the session.  

You’ll find the Facebook Live event here.

As the pandemic continues to wreak havoc around the world, I make a point to look for bright spots in these cloudy days. This morning, one came to me when I answered a phone call from my friend, Ileen, who lives in the heart of London.

“Cheryl!” she shouted when I picked up the phone.  “You won’t believe what I just saw when I looked out my window.”  

What? I asked knowing that London is currently a ghost town.

“A red fox trotting down the road in front of my flat. He turned the corner before I could get a picture, but in my more than twenty-five years of being here I’ve never seen a fox.” 

There you have it, I said to Ileen, happy that she received such an auspicious sign. Magic is afoot and Mother Nature is letting you know you’re not alone.

None of us are. We’ll move beyond this virus before you know it as long as we take good care of ourselves and each other.  And as we do, our “new normal” has the potential to be quite extraordinary.


P.S. – Please join me for a Facebook Live on Monday (3/30), at 12pm (noon) ET/9am PT, here

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