Dear John,

It’s a hot, steamy day here in the Northeast and I snuck out early to get a hike in before the humidity threatened to melt my motivation. I’m grateful to have developed the discipline during the pandemic to move every day in spite of the weather. After all, when you learn to jump in the ocean in the dead of winter, it’s hard to make excuses.

When I returned from my hike, I made myself some lunch, tidied up the kitchen, watered the garden, then sat down to work on this blog. After an hour of fits and starts, I got up and wandered around the house. I came back several times to continue, but couldn’t find my footing. I just didn’t have the energy to focus.

For years I used to give myself a hard time for sleeping late or wanting to nap in the middle of the afternoon. It’s a waste of a good morning, I’d say, or a setup to feel even more tired after sleeping during the day. But now I know better. If I sleep late, I’m thrilled because I know sleep is good self-care. And when I do nap, I usually feel more centered and focused afterward.

So, when little Wednesday, our black and gray tabby, crawled in my lap and started to purr as she fell fast asleep, and Berty, her brother, curled up in a patch of sunlight on the sofa across from us, I had my marching orders. 

I’m with the felines this afternoon – my wisdom teachers for the day. 

Care to join us? 


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