I had just finished recording my latest rendition of Happy Birthday on the piano and pressed send on the text message to my friend Jules.
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Dear John,

I had just finished recording my latest rendition of Happy Birthday on the piano and pressed send on the text message to my friend Jules. Last September, after I began taking lessons, I figured out how to play the melody line to Happy Birthday so I could text loved ones a musical message. Along with wishing them a great day, I promised to send a new and improved version the following year as I continued to learn how to play.

My latest includes the melody and chords – a big step up for this beginner.

After texting my friend Jules, I was feeling thankful for the woman who inspired me to start lessons last fall. The wife of a colleague who took up painting and in three years was able to create gorgeous nature scenes, she encouraged me to start learning piano by offering the following advice:

“The best way to fall in love with something new is to stick with it when it gets hard. Because it will. If you do that, I promise you can learn how to play.”

She was right. I’ve relied on her wisdom for the last six months and now have a burgeoning love affair with this beautiful instrument. I have a long way to go, but I love being a student, I enjoy making music, and I’ve proven to myself that age is not a barrier to learning something new. It’s an advantage.

Ok, back to the story. Feeling grateful for her helpful advice, I decided to text her my current take on Happy Birthday. While I knew it wasn’t her birthday, I said, I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for her inspiration by sharing my latest song. After sending the text, I went to work out.

An hour later, I picked up my phone and found her reply: “Ha! It is my birthday! I’m celebrating my 70th! How thoughtful of you to learn this just for me 🤣.”

I stared at her message, stunned by the synchronicity and wondered what the chances were of me sending her the song out of the blue and having it fall on her 70th birthday? Pure luck or divine timing?

I settled on divine timing and texted her back that I suspected it was no coincidence but instead life’s way of thanking her for being such an inspiration.

Don’t you just love synchronistic moments? At a time when the world feels chaotic and dark, I’m happy to welcome a little light.


P.S. – Check out the audiobook/workshop called Self Care for the Wisdom Years available through Audible. You can learn more here.

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