Dear John,

“Good morning,” said the sun with its splash of golden light on the sturdy spine of the oak tree outside my bedroom window. “Time to rise!” I pulled on my favorite wool socks, dragged the crisp summer-white sheets up over the pillows, and tucked the corners of the duvet under the mattress. Straightening the books on the nightstand before reaching the door, I walked out of the bedroom and into the day.

Rituals lead the way to a satisfying life, I thought to myself as I headed downstairs to make a cup of tea. What once seemed like chores – making the bed, feeding the cats, filling feeders, watering the garden – have now become little “anchors of pleasure” tethering my heart and soul to the here and now. 

Summer is coming to an end and I intend to squeeze every last drop of joy from the remaining lazy days. Just this morning, while sitting on the deck, I caught a glimpse of a Great Blue Heron gliding along the surface of the lake before coming in for a soft landing on the sandy shore. I marveled at our star chipmunk eating breakfast, his cheeks so full with seed that he looked ready to explode. And I enjoyed fresh-made watermelon juice, so ripe with flavor that it brought an instant smile to the face of the houseguest visiting with us this week.

Rest is the mantra. Presence is the method. Simplicity is the path. Soon enough the seasons will change and the world will begin again. For now, let’s savor what we have… 


P.S. – My new audiobook, Self Care for the Wisdom Years is now available on both Audible and the website. It’s exclusively available in audio format only. They’ll be more on this soon, but if you’d like to listen, you can do so here

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