Dear John,

Today’s a big day for our family. Nearly three years after losing our beloved cat, Poupon, Michael and I have rescued two kittens from our local no-kill shelter, Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society.

I’m excited and a little nervous, but ready to add the joy and love that animals offer back into our lives again.

After numerous conversations (and a little pleading on my part), Michael finally agreed to adopt two cats (bless him!). He needed to be convinced that there was enough love to go around and that our experience with one had sufficiently prepared us to be good pet parents to two. 

As part of our negotiation, Michael asked to name the cats and I happily agreed. I wasn’t too worried given that he named our gray cat, Poupon, and I loved it.

From the very first day that I met Michael nearly thirty years ago, he’s made it a point to bring laughter and levity to my life – something my serious nature requires. After seeing the kittens, Michael named them after two children from the Addams Family Values movie. Let’s just say that the little boy’s name is Berty, and the little girl is Wednesday (if you’ve seen the movie, you’ll understand 😀). 

More love, laughter, and joyful play are a part of our house again. It’s a long time coming and though shopping for supplies felt bittersweet as we remembered doing the same for our sweet Poupon, we’re happy to be a cat family again.  Here are the new additions to our family:

Thank you for the loving support you shared when we lost Poupon, and for the ongoing encouragement to bring new life into our lives. Although the paperwork says we’ve rescued two little kittens, those of you who adopt animals know the real deal.  

We’ve been rescued (again) and I couldn’t be more grateful.


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