Dear John,

Every year one of our local farms plants a giant sunflower field that blossoms into hundreds of bright, beaming faces that bring such joy to our community. I love the Colby Farm tradition. It attracts swarms of people to the field like bees to honey.

I also love the tradition because it’s temporary. The blossoms come and go in less than two weeks and it’s a precious reminder that life is a one-way adventure and we best take in the show at every turn. 

Which brings me to today, September 11th.

As we remember that tragic day, may we also remember two things: How fragile and fleeting life is, and how good it felt to be wrapped in the energy of kindness, compassion, and connection because we felt moved to help each other heal.

May we bring this energy to our lives today and every day as we continue to find our way back to one another. 

Blessings to the family and friends of those who perished. I pray that the memory of your loved ones lightens the loss and comforts your healing heart ❤️.


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