Dear John, On Sunday, September 8th, my Mom passed away after ten long and difficult days in the hospital. My sister Michelle and her two daughters, Amanda and Justine, were beside her as she peacefully slipped into her next adventure. After a busy week of hospital stays and planning services with my siblings, the loss is finally becoming real. Although my Mom wasn’t well, her death was unexpected, and my siblings and I are finally getting a chance to breathe in the reality of this enormous loss. My Mom would have been surprised by the number of people who showed up for her wake and funeral. Like many women of her generation, she questioned her impact in a world designed to award professional achievement and ambition. She wasn’t convinced that raising seven children was enough. But if we do attend our funerals after we die, my Mother would have discovered that she had the most significant impact of all: She loved people, and they knew it. For as long as I can remember, my Mother had an open-door policy. If you were in trouble and needed a safe place to talk or stay, her kitchen door was unlocked. If you were alone at Thanksgiving, there was always an empty seat at our table and a hot meal waiting. On the birthdays of her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, she shared her love and pride by posting a tribute to each one of us on her Facebook Page. She wanted everyone to see what she saw. And, every night (for years!), she sent two text messages – one to her children and the other to her grandchildren sharing thoughts about her day and reminding us of how much we were loved. My Mother was passionate about people and animals. I’ll miss seeing her prayer requests to St. Anthony – the ones that read: “Oh, please bring this sweet boy or girl home,” anytime a lost pet post appeared on her Facebook page. She even monitored my professional Facebook Page and called to let me know when someone needed my help. “Cheryl” she’d say, “Diane Watson responded to your blog today and needs to be reminded that she’ll get through her surgery tomorrow. Can you please send her a note?” What a woman… There’s much for me to say about the last two weeks, the way our Mom touched so many lives and the challenge of navigating the loss of the one person who knew me longer than I’ve known myself. But I’m tired and tender and need to rest. I wanted you to know because many of you have been with me for a long time, and you’ve read stories about my Mom. There will be plenty of time for remembrance and celebration later on. My Mom is now the new Chairwoman of my Spiritual Board of Directors. I had not intended to fill this position so soon, but such is the unpredictable nature of life. Rest in peace, Mom. 🙏 Love, Cheryl Need a little Divine Direction? Use the “Touch of Grace” button at the bottom of our homepage here.