Dear John, I’m taking a vacation from work this week, so I thought I’d share a letter I wrote to myself during the pandemic as we embarked on a stressful shutdown. As we enter a new year and a shifting political landscape, feel free to claim it for your own. Dear Sweetheart, When you feel hopeless, frightened, or like the world is out of control, remember this: No one can influence how you feel without your permission. You can choose to listen to your frightened mind (which will always have you believe that you’re at the mercy of what’s happening outside of you), or you can get a PhD in peace. Sit quietly and close your eyes. Let stillness settle your thoughts. Soon, you’ll discover that this practice will coax your mind to follow your lead. Be sure to limit social media and the news to prevent unnecessary worry, too! You have more control over your emotional and physical health than you might realize. You choose what you eat, how frequently you move your body, how lovingly you speak to yourself, and what you will and will not allow into your eyes and ears. This is the time to be very, very picky. Rather than contribute to conflict and hostility with your thoughts, words, or actions, choose a different path. Turn away from the conversations and situations that fuel fear. Instead, put your energy to good use. Surprise people with unexpected acts of kindness. Be a source of patience, compassion, and open-minded curiosity. Do this every day. It feels wonderful. When under the influence of impatience, frustration, or despair, get outside and let Mother Nature break the spell. Walk upright. Breathe deep. Drink in your surroundings. Travel the well-worn path around the neighborhood where geese honk their hellos as they fly overhead, owls sing you to sleep at night, and trees wave their branches in your direction. Be gentle and kind with your sensitive self. We grow with love, not criticism. Print this letter and keep it nearby. Start your day by reading it to yourself in the voice of a loving parent who knows the truth. You are stronger than you know. And a reminder always helps. Love, Cheryl
P.S. – My audio program, Self Care for the Wisdom Years, can be found here. Need a little Divine Direction? Use the “Touch of Grace” button at the bottom of our homepage here.