Dear John,

The midday sun is casting light beams over my living room as I sit at my computer tapping life into this blog. The last golden leaves of the oak trees in our backyard are floating by the window while Berty and Wednesday (our little tabbies) sleep soundly at my feet. It’s an ordinary day in our house, one that began with something special I wanted to share with you this week.

While enjoying a cup of tea, I scrolled through my Instagram feed and discovered that yesterday was World Kindness Day. Just as I thought, I’d like every day to be world kindness day, I landed on a post that suggested it might be so. I follow an account called, UpWorthy because it offers stories about “the best of humanity,” and in this particular post, they asked readers to answer the following question:

What’s the kindest thing someone has ever done for you?

The answers both in the posts and in the comments were beautiful and inspiring. People showed up for one another. Hearts were touched and lives were changed. Important memories were embedded in the minds of the recipients and I bet it inspired even more acts of kindness. 

It made me think about the time my assistant, Lisa, who had only been working with me for less than two weeks, hugged me on my front porch when I shared that my cat was dying and I was a wreck. She told me she’d lost beloved pets, too, and that we’d get through it together. Or the day my friend (and publisher) Reid Tracy, decided to support the launch of Waking Up in Winter, by sending a copy to everyone in the audience of the workshop we were teaching on the day the book was released. There were over one hundred guests in the audience and his company hadn’t published the book. 

It’s a lovely thing to recall when people have been kind to you. It inspires hope, it reminds us of how we can make a difference, and it makes an ordinary day special. 

Take a few moments to yourself and be inspired. Scroll through the UpWorthy posts here and enjoy the best of humanity.


P.S. – Please join me for a free online event with Banyen Books & Sound in Vancouver, BC, where I’ll be talking about my new card deck, Self Care Wisdom Cards, pulling cards for guests, and supporting you in taking good care of yourself over the holidays. You can register here

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