Dear John,

Golden light illuminating the bellies of geese flying overhead at sunset. The soft purr of a resting cat on my lap. The sound of a caterpillar munching on dill in the garden. Finding an eight-point buck bedded down in the yard where a dying tree had been removed earlier in the day. 

These are a few of my favorite things, memories of 2023 that will keep me warm this winter. I wonder what memories will keep you warm, too?

I’ll be enjoying some downtime this week and wish you a blessed holiday season filled with lots of rest, space for reflection, and hugs from those you hold dear. Savor this ending. You’ll never have another one like it again.


P.S. – Every week I send a gift to readers chosen at random from our “Gratitude Gift Giveaway” list. It’s my way of sharing helpful tools to make life better. If you’d like a chance to receive a gift, you can add your name to the list here. Please be assured that your information is always safe, protected, and used only by me for these gifts. 


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