Dear John,

Because I’m teaching a workshop called Self Care/Soul Care with psychic medium, John Holland, on Sunday (2/21), at 2pm ET, I’m sharing a blog I wrote a few years ago this week. If you’d like some self-care advice, the chance to laugh with like-minded friends, and to experience the healing power of afterlife communication, you can still purchase tickets to our zoom event here.


My friend Nanna introduced me to an interesting practice.  She said she was taking note of the activities and experiences that made her smile so she could give them more space in her life. 

Well that's an excellent idea, I thought to myself, so I started keeping track of what made me smile, too. It's a revealing exercise. Here's some of what I’ve discovered...

I smile when I see my husband Michael whether it's first thing in the morning or when he unexpectedly walks into a room. 

It happens when I spend time with our cats, Wednesday and Berty. Animals, like babies, have a way of doing that to us humans.

It also happens when I discover that I have space in my calendar and I don't have to be anywhere or do anything for a whole afternoon or evening.  

I smile when I spend time with people who vibrate on the same intellectual and spiritual wavelength.  

It happens when I listen to uplifting music while hiking or working out. This week I'm enjoying Shakira 🙂.

I smile when I spend time outdoors with the birds and the trees and the wind and wildlife.

Or when I'm in water.

I also smile when I see someone I love do something they love.

It's a simple gesture, this thing called a smile, and yet it's also a powerful communication device that sends data back and forth between body and soul. 

This data is important.

Now that I'm noticing, I realize that when something makes me grin ear-to-ear, it’s worthy of my undivided time and attention.

How about you? I wonder what makes you smile.

Be on the lookout and collect your own data this week. Then, feel free to share what you discover!


PS – This week, my course with Russ Hudson called “Learning to Trust Your Instincts” begins on Thursday the 25th at 2pm ET (and will be recorded for those who can’t make the live classes). Russ is the world’s leading expert on the Enneagram and our coaching program is designed to support you in taking action to make significant, positive changes to your life.  You can learn more and register here

Need a little Divine Direction? Use the “Touch of Grace” button at the bottom of our homepage here.

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