Dear John,

We’ve had more than a foot of snow here in the Northeast and this morning, as I stare out the kitchen window at the rising sunlight, it looks like a Fairy Godmother swooped in overnight and sprinkled a million tiny stars over the powdery slopes. It’s a moment to savor before the day begins…

What a week. The news of war in Ukraine is dreadful. It breaks my heart to see what narcissism, power, and greed does to humanity. So much senseless suffering at the hands of a wounded boy – a tyrant with a broken agenda.

The fierce, protective mother in me gets activated in ways that make it hard to sleep. When my own inner tyrant wakes me in the middle of the night with thoughts of revenge and retribution, I tell myself: 

Sweetheart, this is where the rubber meets the road. Breathe your way back to a calm inner state.

It takes mental toughness to resist the seductive urge to jump into the center of a raging storm. Vengeful thoughts offer us the tempting illusion of control. Yet it’s always a wise choice to stay calm. 

I often keep in mind something Michael Singer wrote in his book, Untethered Soul:

“No solution can possibly exist while you’re lost in the energy of a problem.” 

As we exit one storm, the pandemic, and enter another, the war in Ukraine, it’s so important to protect our energy so we can be a force for good in our individual worlds. Pray, yes. Donate to causes that help, of course. But most important, do what it takes to be the message you want to elevate – a calm, safe port in a storm. 

There are two events this week that will help. 

First, our next Zoom gathering happens this Wednesday, March 2nd at 4pm ET. If you’ve registered for one of the meditation gatherings already, you’ll automatically get a reminder with the Zoom link. If not, you can register here. We’ll start with a group meditation for peace.

Second, the 14th Annual Tapping World Summit begins tomorrow and the timing couldn’t be better. It’s the only event I sponsor because I know, first hand, that tapping is a powerful, effective tool to reduce anxiety and fear. Take advantage of this ten-day offering and learn how to tap yourself back to the present moment. You can register for the free sessions here.

Your state of mind matters. It affects every single thing you do and every person you meet. Do yourself and everyone around you a big favor and stay out of the storm.


PS – There are ten spaces left in our next “Self Care by the Sea” retreat at the end of April. If you’d like to join us, I recommend you register soon. You can learn all about it here

Need a little Divine Direction? Use the “Touch of Grace” button at the bottom of our homepage here.

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