Today's Headlines
Sunday, September 13, 2020
A new study has revealed that 22% of U.S. evangelicals appear to reject the Bible’s teaching that the gender of a person as male or female is given by God, the Creator, and instead believe in “gender fluidity.”
New research commissioned by a progressive Christian activist group and compiled by several university researchers suggests that there could be an 11-point swing among evangelical and Catholic voters in swing states away from President Donald Trump and toward Democrat Joe Biden in 2020. 
Three Iranian Christian converts, who were facing a combined 35 years in prison because of their faith, have fled the country after a court rejected their appeal, according to a Christian persecution watchdog group.
A congregation in Illinois has helped to raise money that went to paying off more than $19 million in medical debt for people living in the Chicago metropolitan area.
A Christian pastor in northern India was forced to sign papers renouncing all religious activity — including sharing the Gospel or holding worship in his home — after a police officer threatened to file false charges against him and his teenage son.
Psychologist Urie Bronfenbrenner said it well, “Every child needs at least one adult who is irrationally crazy about him or her.” 

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