Podcast | Mental illness and helping the Church not to overspiritualize it | The Church doesn't like to talk about mental illness and has long overspiritualized it. Ryan Casey Waller, author of Depression, Anxiety, and Other Things We Don't Want to Talk About, says it's time to engage in more nuanced discussions that doesn't involve shaming or simplifying it as a faith issue. |
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Dear Friend, Arise Together: How the Body of Christ is Finding Hope through the Pandemic is a free book that we are offering to subscribers of The Christian Post. We endeavored to launch a free book because we witnessed the hardships and fears that many people faced during this pandemic. So we reached out to pastors and Christian leaders who donated their time and a chapter each for this book, for which we are grateful. And we worked with a Christian-owned printer in the USA to print these books at low-cost. As a result, we’re able to provide these books for free and mail them to you at low-cost. We sincerely hope that this book will be a source of encouragement for so many in the time of suffering and loss, and we thank God for the opportunity to serve in this way. Please go to www.arisetogetherbook.com to order your copy today! | ORDER FREE COPY TODAY |