The departure of the former president and his wife to Mar-a-Lago, the recent articles on Jeff Bezos’s
Feb 6, 2021 • View in browser
The departure of the former president and his wife to Mar-a-Lago, the recent articles on Jeff Bezos’s property portfolio, and Alexei Navalny’s exposé of Vladimir Putin’s massive palace reminded me of Percy Bysshe Shelley’s poem, “Ozymandias,” which contains these lines: 
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
   Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
   Nothing beside remains. 
The problem is that Shelley’s poem is predicated on patience, which seems increasingly hard to justify when the signs of change are few and far between.  
— John Yau, Co-Editor, Hyperallergic Weekend
John Mendelsohn’s Paintings of Radiating and Falling Light
Ragnar Kjartansson’s Extravagant, Enthralling "Bliss"
Victor Burgin’s Unclassifiable Take on the Passages of Art and Life
Two Dramas Plumb the Depths of Women’s Midlife Chaos
Stephen Pusey’s Remarkable Calligraphic Abstractions
The Last of the Storytellers
Required Reading
From the Store
Guerrilla Girls: The Art of Behaving Badly
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