Apr 10, 2021 • View in browser
If, as Carter Ratcliff writes in this weekend’s issue, we seek out works of art to “encounter the power, the authority, of a profoundly creative self,” we are also drawn to them for the community of values and shared vision they represent. They are our portals into a past and a future that feel as alive as the current moment.
A participatory culture is a healthy culture, which is one of the many reasons why Hyperallergic brings you a free flow of information and ideas about the arts each day. If you value our work, please consider becoming a member of Hyperallergic and help to keep our news and reviews accessible to everyone.
— Thomas Micchelli, Co-Editor, Hyperallergic Weekend
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Marilyn Lerner Shifts Gears, Again
Joan Mitchell, More Like a Poet
In "Sound of Metal," There Are No Small Sufferings
Every Dealer’s Nightmare: The Inevitability of Fakes
An Artist’s Lifetime of Asking the Hard Questions
Required Reading
From the Store
No. 7, Adulthood Socks
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