Matt Zalaznick

When adding a mindfulness program, superintendents and principals may face parent backlash, possibly about religious concerns, especially when it includes yoga. Administrators should be well-versed in the components of their mindfulness instruction in case they have to defend the program in a meeting with a concerned parent. Read more>>

Sponsored by Middlebury Interactive Languages

In Vermont's tiny town of Weybridge (population 833), the most common industry is farming. Yet the 50 or so students in the town’s K6 elementary school are preparing for a much larger world of opportunities by learning a second language. Read more>>

The News & Observer

While reform through accountability has led to some improvements, it has also fostered a compliance culture. A major concern with a compliance culture is that it stifles innovation. Provide incentives for all schools to be innovative. Give innovation at least the same infrastructure that we provide for testing and accountability. Read more>>

Sponsored by Kronos Incorporated

Every K12 employee plays an important role in student achievement; the innovative Kronos for K-12 Education solutions are designed to create time and attendance efficiencies, allowing you to spend less time on administrative processes and more time on academics and programs. View infographic to learn more. Read more>>

Knoxville News Sentinel

Old-school wisdom held that children should face their bullies head-on, but we know better now. Confronting a bully can be dangerous, and it rarely stops bad behavior. The online school alternative is attractive because the environment alleviates the anxiety, fear and drama associated with being bullied and frees the students to concentrate on their studies. Read more>>

Sponsored by i-Ready

From Reading First to Common Core and beyond, best practices for teaching phonics and the foundational skills continue to evolve. What matters most when teaching phonics, and what does the latest research tell us? Jim Cunningham, a professor emeritus of literacy studies, weighs in. Read more>>


Grit is important. When school systems want to track the role of grit, or help instill it, however, everything gets trickier. Approaches that intrigue include keeping tabs on students’ moment-by-moment habits when doing schoolwork online as well as the ways students respond after getting several online problems wrong in a row. Read more>>

Sponsored by Istation

Educators share eight ways to save time and reduce testing fatigue. Learn how to get a clear picture of student progress with a free e-book that explores the benefits of data-driven instruction. Read more>>

South Coast Today

Now more than ever, schools have a crucial obligation to teach the lessons of history and civic responsibility. It’s not enough to invoke the Constitution or the Bill of Rights as a cover for whatever ideological stance one wants to embrace. Our future citizens must fully understand that the system of checks and balances in our national government serves an essential purpose. Read more>>

Published by District Administration