March 24, 2019
Dear Valued Reader,

Happy Weekend!  I've been catching up on disappointing college hockey tournaments, but now it's time to dry my tears and catch you up on the stories you missed in our week of Gumshoe.
The most-discussed and most popular article on the week was our de-tease of David Gardner's latest growth pick for the Motley Fool that he says is pushing the cancer industry into the future... so what's the story?  Just click below to...

Of the nearly 4,500 publicly traded stocks on the market today, in fact, no more than fifty of them deserve your time, attention, and money.

Of that small group, only eight are now trading at a price that makes them attractive to buy. In fact, I believe these are the only stocks worth your time and money.

These “Power Elite” stocks knock it out of the park year after year after year because they’ve tapped into the 3 most powerful forces in the global economy: Addiction.  Necessity. And monopoly. In other words, they sell products that people can’t stop buying. This free video explains why.


A promise of growth always gets our attention, so early in the week we looked at a tease for 40% growth from Mike Cintolo at Cabot... what was the "one to buy if you're buying only one" that he touted?   Answers and some blatheration from yours truly if you'll just click here.

Then we turned to the Middle Kingdom, with a teaser pitch promoting Brian Tycango's newer Strategic Wealth Confidential letter from Stansberry Pacific -- Tycango says this new opportunity should eclipse the Bitcon boom by a factor of 80 as his secret stock posts huge gains on the back of Chinese infrastructure investment... so what is it?  I fed the clues to the Mighty, Mighty Thinkolator, as usual, andyour answer is here.

We then turned to Jeff Siegel's Green Chip Stocks, which was tesasing us about an anti-aging drugmaker that was about to change the world -- he touted that "March 29th, 2019 will be the most profitable day in the history of mankind,” and that, of course, didn't turn out to be true... but it's still an interesting story,click here for the details.

And then, as usual, I closed up the week with our Friday File for the Irregulars -- I have a few small portfolio moves on the week, but mostly spent some time musing about "what the Fed wants us to buy."  You can click below if you missed that one in your email...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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