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Weekly Brief is your 1-minute smart and fast report to keep you informed of important Bible-related trends, statistics, articles, and pivotal happenings on the Web and at Bible Gateway. Forward to your friends and share with your followers to encourage them to subscribe.

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4 Wycliffe Associates Translators Murdered by Militants in Middle East

Wycliffe Associates in the Middle East say terrorists raided the translator's office and shot and killed two of the translators. Two other workers saved the lead translator by laying on top of him, but they died deflecting bludgeoning blows from the attackers' weapons. Read more from CBN News.

See our Blog post Bible Translation Organizations.

Canadian Bible Society to Provide One Million Bibles to Cuba

The Canadian Bible Society (CBS) is planning to provide Cuban Christians with one million Bibles in the next 18 months. “This is a country where scraps of Scripture have been passed on pieces of paper hand-to-hand between believers, because Bibles just were not available,” says Alain Montano Hdez, leader of the Cuban Biblical Commission. Read more from CBS. Also see FOX News: The Bible returns to Cuba. How history was made in February 2016. And watch this Haven Today video as Christians in Cuba receive their first Bibles after decades of waiting.

Record-Holding Astronaut: ‘I Presuppose the Truth of Scripture’

Astronaut Jeff Williams, the 58-year-old who will become the American record holder for cumulative days in space (534), says contrary to popular speculation, his scientific knowledge and his biblical knowledge meld together. Read more from CBN News.

Also see our Blog posts:

See more Bible-related articles in this week's Bible News Roundup.

See previous editions of Bible News Roundup and Weekly Brief.

Prayers for Brussels

Our hearts and prayers go out to our brothers and sisters in Brussels, where terrible acts of violence killed and injured dozens. Here are some insights we’ve published about the problem of evil, and specifically the challenge that terrorist violence presents... Read more.

The season of Easter begins March 27, 2016 and ends May 15, 2016 (Pentecost).
ENJOY SAVINGS on Easter resources in the Bible Gateway Store

Understand What Happened Each Day of Holy Week

“Holy Week,” also known as Passion Week, are the final days leading to Jesus’ arrest, crucifixion, and resurrection. As Holy Week unfolds, a large cast of characters play out a powerful emotional drama. But the story’s depth makes it somewhat complex. To help you track the people, places, and events of Holy Week day-by-day, read these Bible Gateway Blog posts:

Evidence for the Resurrection: 5 Reasons the Early Church Couldn’t Have Made it Up

What's the evidence for Jesus’ actual bodily resurrection? What facts related to the resurrection can be shown to be true beyond reasonable doubt—even when placed under the microscope of historical and critical scrutiny? Here are five...

Browse the Apologetics section in the Bible Gateway Store

Do the Biblical Accounts of Easter Contradict Each Other?

If you’re troubled by—or simply curious about—alleged Bible contradictions in the Easter accounts or other Bibles stories, here are some reflections to help you think through the issue... Read more.

How to Acquire Bible Savvy: An Interview with James Nicodem

The Bible is often seen as a daunting book, written in ancient times and addressed to a vastly unfamiliar culture. Is it really possible to draw relevant insights from it for our lives today? Bible Gateway interviewed Dr. Jim Nicodem about his Bible Savvy book series, Epic: The Storyline of the Bible, Foundation: The Reliability of the Bible, Context: How to Understand the Bible, and Walk: How to Apply the Bible (Moody Publishers, 2013). Read this interview.

La Biblia Reina-Valera Actualizada ya está disponible en Bible Gateway

A new Spanish Bible is now available on Bible Gateway! The Reina-Valera Actualizada (RVA 2015) uses the original biblical languages, collating the text with other ancient and modern Bible versions. The result is an update that offers many of the benefits of a new translation while retaining much of the grand feel of classic Spanish Bible translations. Read more and tell your Spanish-reading friends.

Bible Gateway March Mania Brackets

During college basketball's "March Madness" we thought we’d have a little fun devising our own tournament of Bible stories: #BibleGatewayMarchMania. You’re invited to participate in our Twitter polls for each set of Bible stories listed on our Blog. Come back every day to cast your vote and see which stories advance. Who knows; you may be surprised by possible upsets in determining the “champion” (which will be announced April 5)! Tell your friends and social media followers. Cast your votes and see the brackets.

Browse the Sports section in the Bible Gateway Store.

How Not To Be Distracted by Banner Ads on Bible Gateway

Bible Gateway is staying the same in offering free access to the Bible and related resources. But in addition, try our new membership program Bible Gateway Plus that features a banner ad-free experience for you and instant access to more digital Bible study books! Learn more and try it for 30 days FREE!

Devotional Study: Crucifixion and Resurrection

In this 19th lesson about studying the Bible, pastor and author Mel Lawrenz says, "One way of studying Scripture is to ponder the meaning of a short passage and to reflect on the greatness of its ideas and the life-changing impact of its meaning. We may call this devotional study. Here are two examples of devotional reflections on the cross and resurrection." If you want to study the Bible better, read this installment of his series on our Blog and encourage your friends and followers to receive it by email.

Also read previous articles in the How to Study the Bible series on such topics as the best way to approach your study; how Scripture examines us; the roles observation and curiosity play; how to develop a biblical vocabulary; what a topical study is; and much more.

See Bible reference books in the Bible Gateway Store.

Letters to the Church: Paul’s First Letter to Timothy

The “Pauline epistles”—letters written by the influential apostle Paul—are particularly central to Christian belief. Join us each Monday as we take a look at a different epistle. This week we're looking at Paul’s first epistle to Timothy. Paul urges Timothy to remain in Ephesus to encourage the formation of a Christlike community and to put a stop to a form of gnosticism that was corrupting church teachings. Read more.

New Vietnamese Bible Now Available at Bible Gateway

We're pleased to announce that the New Vietnamese Bible (NVB) is now a part of Bible Gateway's online library! You can access it as you do any other Bible version by selecting it from the drop-down Bible menu at Click here to start reading it from the beginning (Genesis 1). Read more about this new addition.

Bible Spotlight: New Revised Standard Version

This feature in the Weekly Brief is intended to help you become aware of the plethora of Bible versions available for you to freely read on Bible Gateway. This week, learn about and read the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV).

Free Course: How to Choose a Bible Translation

Learn how to choose the best Bible translations. Discover how we know the Bible we possess is really God’s Word. This new online course is a $20 value but right now you can get it for free. Learn more.

ChurchSource Pastor to Pastor: Preaching Must Have the Proper Priority

John MacArthur, in his book series John MacArthur's Pastor's Library (Thomas Nelson, 2005), writes: "While the duties of the pastorate are many and varied, none is more important than preaching." Read the rest of this book excerpt.

Reading the Bible in multiple languages and multiple versions is always just a click away online at Bible Gateway and in print from the Bible Gateway Store, where you'll save money while supporting the ministry of Bible Gateway when making a purchase.

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NIV Zondervan Study Bible

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