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Weekly Briefing
Friday, February 28, 2020 |

Weekly briefing: Supreme Court to hear faith-based adoption case, Lent, court lets YouTube censor

Toni Simms-Busch is a former social worker who fostered two young brothers through Catholic Social Services and has now adopted them.
BecketToni Simms-Busch is a former social worker who fostered two young brothers through Catholic Social Services and has now adopted them.

“Over the last few years, agencies have been closing their doors across the country, and all the while children are pouring into the system. We are confident that the Court will realize that the best solution is the one that has worked in Philadelphia for a century — all hands on deck for foster kids.” — Lori Windham, a senior counsel at Becket

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“The 40-day season of Lent is a time to reflect, repent, and pray as a way of preparing our hearts for Easter. Lent is an opportunity to get out of routine, re-center ourselves on God, and pursue the ways of Jesus.” — National Community Church

“The disruption to everyday life might be severe. We are asking the American public to work with us to prepare, in the expectation that this could be bad.” — Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases

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