Working in low temperatures | Refreshed hand-arm vibration guidance | NHS Trust fined

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Guidance on working in cold and wintry weather

delivery worker outdoors in snowy conditions

Make sure you protect workers during low temperatures and wintry conditions.

Our guidance offers advice on how to protect workers in low temperatures.


The guidance explains how you can assess the risks to workers and put controls in place to protect them.


Our workplace temperature checklist will help you carry out a basic risk assessment.


With low temperatures and less daylight, winter can make surfaces perilous. As a result, slip and trip accidents increase significantly. Take a look at our online guide to avoiding slips and trips in winter weather.

NHS trust fined after worker found unconscious in manhole

Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust was fined £480,000 due to a worker suffering a brain injury and being found unconscious in a manhole.

The worker had been unblocking a drain at the hospital when he was discovered by other members of staff.


HSE's investigation found the company had failed to:

  • identify the manhole as a confined space, and properly risk assess the activity
  • prevent employees entering into confined spaces at the site
  • identify a safe system of work or method statement for clearing blocked drains

For further details read this press release.


Our website has guidance on working in confined spaces.


Other recent prosecution cases include:

Updates to HSE's vibration webpages

Our vibration website has been refreshed.

This is so you can find the information, advice and resources that you need as easily as possible.


It also ensures our guidance and resources are up to date, user-friendly and easy to use.


Updates include the following pages:

MSD Risk-reduction through design award: deadline approaching

MSD Awards 2024 logo

It's not too late to enter our ‘Risk-reduction through design’ award – nominations close on 31 January 2024.

If your business has made a design change to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in the workplace, we want to hear about it. Your business could be our 2024 award winner!


We are encouraging businesses to nominate a design change that has made a real impact in their own workplace.


Employers can nominate any design solutions implemented in workplaces in the UK that have demonstrated how they have reduced musculoskeletal risks for their own workers. 


There are now 2 categories for the awards:

  • Best overall MSD risk-reduction through design award
  • SME recognition award

To request an entry form please contact us by email. Further information and previous winning nominations are available on HSE’s website.

Latest jobs: join the team at HSE

Give your career a kickstart as 2024 begins and join our team saving lives and livelihoods here at HSE.

We currently have a range of vacancies. For details of selected posts, follow the links below:

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