Here’s a roundup of this week’s most-read articles on the civil unrest in America.
June 6, 2020
Here’s a roundup of TNR’s most-read articles on the civil unrest in America this week. To ensure you don’t miss out on more of the best independent journalism in the country, subscribe today.

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This is Fascism

Trump is sending an unambiguous message to a country in turmoil—and his armed supporters, from cops to vigilantes, hear it loud and clear.

By Adam Weinstein

The Police Take the Side of White VigilantesOver the past week, cops have shown that they share a coherent ideology.
By Alex Pareene
No More Cop UnionsAbolishing police unions should be part of the broader fight to defund, demilitarize, and ultimately dismantle the U.S. police force.
By Kim Kelly


Police Blinded Me in One Eye. I Can Still See Why My Country’s on Fire. “All anyone wants to talk about is freedom of the press, if I am angry, what I will do next. I am angry—but no more than I was this time last week.”By Linda Tirado
The Militarization of the American Hometown As police everywhere roll through neighborhoods with battlefield hardware, an Afghanistan vet’s family learns there’s no escaping war.By Matt Farwell
Minneapolis in the Aftermath Scenes from the city in the wake of last week’s unrest
By J.C. Hallman


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