Swimming World Weekly Splash
December 1, 2022
It's finally December!
We hope you had a great Thanksgiving, and we hope you enjoy the month of December. We have 5 more Weekly Splash's for this year! 
#GivingTuesday is right around the corner, and we need your help. Your donation will be used to raise funds and awareness for the International Swimming Hall of Fame and its water safety education and lifesaving "Every Child A Swimmer" programs. 
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5 Ways to Swim Faster – No Talent Needed!
Have you ever felt like you were doing everything you possibly could to get better and weren’t seeing results? Consider trying these five things that require absolutely no talent. If you incorporate them into your life, you just might see the improvements you’ve been looking for!
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The Qualifying Times For the 2024 United States Olympic Trials in Indianapolis

With less than two years to go until the start of the 2024 Olympic Games, the path to Paris will intensify by the day. Beyond those with Olympic aspirations, many swimmers around the country are chasing Olympic Trials berths, and the opportunity to compete in America’s premier competition.

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Skip Kenney, Iconic Stanford and Olympic Swimming Coach, Dies at 79
Kenney was one of the most successful college coaches of all time. He was also the head Olympic coach in 1996 in Atlanta and was an assistant coach on the 1988 and 1984 teams, coaching 18 Olympic swimmers who totaled 16 Olympic medals during his career.
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An Explanation Of How Tech Suits Benefit Swimmers
According to a study done by Journal Of The American College Of Sports Medicine, the suits can significantly improve swimming performance. The study found that, on average, swim performance improved by 3.2% when swimmers wore a tech suit as opposed to a regular training suit. Additionally, the study found that tech suits can reduce drag by 4.4% to 6.2% and reduce the amount of energy needed for swimming by 4.5% to 5.5%. 
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British Down Syndrome Swimming Championships Sees Records Fall in Inaugural Meet
World records were broken and personal bests were smashed at the action-packed British Down Syndrome Swimming Championships held on 19th and 20th November 2022.

The inaugural championships, organized by Down Syndrome Swimming Great Britain (DSS-GB), are a big move for the swimming world. Swimmers were able to compete at the highest level in a first-rate national competition at one of the top swimming facilities in the south-east, K2 Crawley.
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