Swimming World Weekly Splash
January 5, 2023
Happy New Year!
Five Motivational Quotes, Remembering the Legacies the Swimming Community, Swimming Movies That Offer Helpful Perspectives, New Year’s Swimming Resolutions, A Coach’s Foe and A Swimmer’s Folly
The Dive Challenge is right around the corner! Your donation will be used to raise funds and awareness for the International Swimming Hall of Fame and its water safety education and lifesaving "Every Child A Swimmer" programs. 
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5 Motivational Quotes from Great Coaches To Jumpstart the New Year
As many swimmers navigate the sport’s waters, it can be difficult to stay confident. In times like these, it is essential to turn to the motivational wisdom of our coaches, and to consider the words of those who have guided athletes through challenges and successes.
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Swimming Movies That Offer Helpful Perspectives and Can Make You a Better Swimmer/Person

Movies are ways of finding stories that are outside our own. Even though all of these movies are swim movies, they offer different perspectives and attitudes that can make anyone a better swimmer. Even if none of these movies are technique or training tutorials, all of them offer something personal. 

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Passages 2022: Remembering the Legacies Of Those the Swimming Community Lost During the Past Year
In 2022, the swimming community lost several important figures. The sport won’t be the same without them, but their legacies live on. Click the link in each person’s name to read each person's full obituary and legacy.
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New Year’s Swimming Resolutions: How to Improve For the Upcoming Year

As a new year begins, New Year’s resolutions are an excellent way for swimmers to set goals and work toward improving their performance. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a new swimmer on a team, there are always areas where you can improve. Here are some suggestions...

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Withering Potential: A Coach’s Foe and A Swimmer’s Folly
Any swimmer-turned-coach knows the frustration that comes from watching potential wither. It’s torture. Sometimes I wish I could use the machine from the Matrix to inject some of my experiences into my swimmers’ brains so they would know I’m not lying to them.
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