A family trips to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, A summer shopping spree at Bicester Village with London stay and more...                                                                                                                              

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If you know any budding astronauts, then today's headline competition is perfect for them - a chance to win a family trip to visit the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. We've got plenty of other bucket list adventures on offer this week, including an extraordinary 12-month working stay in New Zealand and a trip to the Hard Rock Hotel in New York. Get entering, and fingers crossed!

Flights included

Closing date: 17th Jul 2022

Albert Bartlett


Closing date: 20th Jul 2022

The Resident Victoria

TripAdvisor 5.02,342 reviews

The Resident Victoria


Flights included

Closing date: 14th Jul 2022



Breakfast · Flights included

Closing date: 12th Jul 2022

Ibiza Rocks Hotel

TripAdvisor 4.02,138 reviews

Jet2holidays / bohooMAN


Closing date: 12th Jul 2022

The Gunpowder Plot



Closing date: 15th Jul 2022

Cruise International


Closing date: 13th Jul 2022

Hard Rock Hotel New York

TripAdvisor 4.5119 reviews

World Rainbow Hotels


Breakfast · Flights included

Closing date: 16th Jul 2022

Hotel Royal Savoy Lausanne

TripAdvisor 4.51,767 reviews

Switzerland Tourism


Flights included

Closing date: 12th Jul 2022

Heart / Lidl


Closing date: 19th Jul 2022



Closing date: 14th Jul 2022



Closing date: 15th Jul 2022



Closing date: 31st Aug 2022

Stewart Travel

Recent successes
We have no less than five successes to report this week...

On Tuesday we drew the winner of our very own Bath spa competition. You might have seen me picking the winner on a video posted to our Facebook page. A very big congratulations to Karen Barbaccia, who will be enjoying a three-night Bath break!

Lucy got in touch to let us know that she's won an overnight stay in the UK’s most Instagrammable caravan - Dixie Daydream - at Camber Sands in East Sussex. The prize was won through a Good Homes Magazine competition and is for 3 people and includes a luxury hamper of treats from the local Rye Deli.

Lucy’s advice? “Don’t give up”

Hayley couldn’t quite believe the congratulations email she received from the Belgian Tourist Office in Wallonia at first. But she’ll be enjoying a 2-night stay in Mons for their ‘Tanks in Town’ celebration. The prize includes Eurotunnel crossing for 1 car, 2 tickets to the events and a 2-night hotel stay.

Sophie and her mum will be visiting Poland after winning a 2-night stay in Gdansk in a competition with The Wigan Runner.

Melissa won an overnight stay at The Bell Inn in the New Forest and tickets to the National Motor Museum at Beaulieu for a family of four.
Congratulations to you all. If you'd like to join our list of winners, the best advice is to enter as many competitions as you can. Increase your chances by joining our Travel Competitions Facebook group, where you'll find lots more competitions posted daily.
Previous competitions closing soon
If you haven't already done so, enter these comps that we've previously featured ASAP as they're all due to close soon. Do it before it's too late.
A family watersports weekend in Bristol or a summer tech bundle

Closing date: 10th Jul 2022

The Camp at The Wave

TripAdvisor 4.532 reviews

Heart / TalkTalk

A London stay & tickets to Regent's Park Open Air Theatre


Closing date: 10th Jul 2022

The Marylebone

TripAdvisor 4.55,133 reviews

Magic Radio

Love Island Final tickets & a 6-night Majorca getaway

Flights included

Closing date: 11th Jul 2022

Caleia Talayot Spa Hotel

TripAdvisor 4.5397 reviews


£1,000 towards a stay at a Crabtree & Crabtree property

Closing date: 14th Jul 2022

Sophie Allport

See all competitions
Photo of Stuart
Stuart Lewis
Travel Editor

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