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July 24, 2020
Millions of people are in danger of losing a benefit that has kept their heads above water. These are some of their stories.
By Katie McDonough and J.C. Pan
How Taxpayer Dollars May Have Bought a Kurdish Strongman’s Beverly Hills MansionsA story of Iraqi politics, Pentagon oil contracts, and an ongoing foreign policy disaster

By Zack Kopplin
Trump and the GOP Are About to Push the Economy Off a Cliff

While the deadline to extend unemployment benefits neared, the president insisted on an impractical payroll tax cut.

By Alex Shephard
The Limits of Mask OrdinancesMasks are important. But there are a lot of indoor risks that recent mask mandates don’t address.

By Melody Schreiber
Trump’s Greatest Liability Is His Own IncumbencyThe president’s latest reelection strategy is to darkly warn voters about the chaos he created.

By Matt Ford
What the Americans With Disabilities Act Has to Teach Today’s ProtestersThe forgotten intersectionality of disabilities activism

By Josephine Livingstone
The Problem With PutinologyWe need a new kind of writing about Russia.

By Michael Kimmage and Matthew Rojansky
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