Live Webinar - Critique Includes Query and First Pages!
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Write Attention Grabbing First Pages
Your stories first words could be just as important as your entire query letter! Sometimes agents will go directly to the first pages to see what your writing looks like. In this live webinar, Katie Shea Boutillier will go step-by-step to demonstrate the importance of strong first pages, focusing on voice, tone, mood, setting, urgency, pace, description, dialogue and the natural approach to your characters. Register today and strengthen your first pages!
About the critique
All registrants are invited to submit your query letter and first 5 pages for critique. Please wait until after the live webinar date to submit your critique material. This allows you to make changes to query letter and first 5 pages based on the presentation and will ensure you receive the most helpful critique possible. All submitted queries and first 5 pages are guaranteed a written critique by Literary Agent Katie Shea Boutillier.
What you'll learn
•  How to make sure the hook is presented clearly
•  How to create a mood and how that works in first pages
•  Tips to world-building, creating a setting we will not want to leave
•  How to make sure there is a plot that is expanding into something we will want to read more of
Who should attend
•  Writers at any stage of querying
•  Writers having difficulties with where their project might start
•  Writers who need guidance on pacing, back-story and character development
•  Authors who are in-between agents or contracts
Thursday, April 19, 2018 at 1:00 PM EDT
Sign Up TOday>>
Instructor: Katie Shea Boutillier
Katie Shea Boutillier joined the Donald Maass Literary Agency in 2011. She is the Rights Director handling the agency's translation and audio rights, and selected film/TV and electronic rights. Katie is committed to help achieve her clients' long-term career goals.
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