
InfoWorld Daily: Weekend Edition

February 17, 2019

Image: What cloud computing can learn from good BBQ

What cloud computing can learn from good BBQ

The process and ingredients that it takes to make your cloud computing project work are directly related to how you get a perfectly smoked piece of meat Read more ▶

Your Must-Read Stories


Full-stack developer: What it is, and how you can become one


How to choose the right data visualization tools for your apps


How to run Python in R


How to use Azure Data Explorer for large-scale data analysis


Why IBM/Red Hat just might become a cloud powerhouse


3 reasons you shouldn’t use chatbots


Why you should use SQLite

eBook: GitHub

How GitHub secures open source software

Open source software is everywhere, powering the languages, frameworks, and applications your team uses every day. Read more ▶

Image: Full-stack developer: What it is, and how you can become one

Full-stack developer: What it is, and how you can become one

A full-stack developer understands the entire software stack, from the GUI front end to the database back end. However, not everyone agrees on the level of mastery needed to earn the title Read more ▶

Image: Get TotalAV Essential AntiVirus for $19.99 (80% off)


Get TotalAV Essential AntiVirus for $19.99 (80% off)

TotalAV works in harmony with all existing softwares already installed on your device, providing an unrivaled one-two punch of protection and performance maintenance for PC and Mac users alike. Read more ▶

Image: How to choose the right data visualization tools for your apps

How to choose the right data visualization tools for your apps

Visualization frameworks have their place, but dedicated visualization tools are often a better way to create interactive, visual experiences in your applications Read more ▶

Image: How to run Python in R

How to run Python in R

Learn how to run Python code inside an R script using the reticulate R package Read more ▶

Image: How to use Azure Data Explorer for large-scale data analysis

How to use Azure Data Explorer for large-scale data analysis

Microsoft’s tool for querying terabytes of data finally arrives for everyone to use Read more ▶

Image: Why IBM/Red Hat just might become a cloud powerhouse

Why IBM/Red Hat just might become a cloud powerhouse

AWS clearly leads the cloud pack among CIOs, and Microsoft has earned the No. 2 spot. But it’s not Google who could be No. 3. Read more ▶

Image: 3 reasons you shouldn’t use chatbots

3 reasons you shouldn’t use chatbots

Voice interfaces may seem cool, but they are often ineffective, inefficient, and costly to build. So you need a really good reason to use a chatbot Read more ▶

Image: Why you should use SQLite

Why you should use SQLite

Learn why this compact embedded relational database shines for many desktop, mobile, and edge computing applications Read more ▶

White Paper: Dell EMC and Intel®

The Role of Converged and Hyper-Converged Infrastructure in IT Transformation

IT Transformation is a concept that resonates with companies even more now than it did 12 months ago. It sounds synonymous with digital transformation, but in actuality, IT Transformation is the set of enabling technologies, processes, and focus areas that make effective digital transformation possible. Read more ▶

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