InformationWeek Cloud
Tech's Reliance on Semiconductor Chips; Optimize Cloud Costs; Nuclear-Powered Data Centers

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InformationWeek Cloud
May 20, 2024

Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
What Happens When You Want to Leave the Cloud?
Even as cloud usage grows, there will be times when companies want to leave the cloud. How do you leave with minimal disruption?

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Fallout When the Chips Are Down

Amazon Prime series "Fallout" showcases a retrofuture wasteland without semiconductors -- could our innovations exist without silicon chips?
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Now’s the Time to Optimize Cloud Costs: Here’s How

By choosing the right cloud at the right time, adjusting one’s cloud strategy as needed, and factoring in hidden fees, businesses have the best chance at optimizing cloud costs effectively.
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Welcome to the Era of the Nuclear-Powered Data Center

As the data center industry evolves, so does the need for sustainable energy solutions. Bill Kleyman singles out nuclear power as a potential game-changer that's gaining favor.
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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
RSAC 2024: Lighting Dark Places, Ted Lasso Lessons, and Alicia Keys Closer
From star-studded appearances to dozens of keynotes, panel discussions and workshops, the tech industry’s biggest security conference offered no shortage of content. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Tech Company Layoffs: The COVID Tech Bubble Bursts
UPDATED May 17, 2024 -- As COVID drove everyone online, tech companies hired like crazy. Now we are hitting the COVID tech bust as tech giants shed jobs by the thousands. Check back regularly for updates to our tech layoffs tracker. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
8 Priorities for Cloud Security in 2024
The pace of cloud migration has outpaced security. How can organizations prioritize cloud security this year? Read More

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