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What I Learned During the Steamworks Virtual Conference[by Pantelis Kassotis]

I’ve always hated networking events, partly because I’m an introvert but also because they always find a way to steer away from sharing knowledge and focus on selling products instead. Everyone is hell-bent on selling their project to someone and no one is ever open to collaboration. This time it felt different because the focus of the conference was to educate game developers and help them be more effective marketers out there in the real world instead of the event space itself. [Read Full Article]


I can’t prove it with scientific research but I’m sure the digital aspect of this event had a part to play in this improvement. People attending conferences while still wearing their pyjamas seems to make them less likely to act like used-car salesmen around others and helps them listen more. It helped attendees like myself start meaningful conversations on what we all gathered from the talks and how we’d all go on to use that knowledge to improve ourselves.
I’ve uploaded a portion of my experience on YouTube so I can give readers the chance to form an opinion themselves, but this also gives me the freedom to touch on my favourite parts without covering every single mundane detail. [Read Full Article]


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