Plus, Covid-19's dangerous long-term effects on the heart, and more...
September 11, 2020
What If Democrats Just Promised to Make Things Work Again?

The party rejected calls this year for a massive reordering of society. Here’s a different kind of revolutionary idea.

By Alex Pareene


What Is Covid-19 Doing to Our Hearts? New research suggests even people with mild cases of the coronavirus could experience long-term cardiac problems.By Melody Schreiber
America’s Callous Indifference to Death The Covid-19 pandemic serves as a reminder that even in an election year, our politics are ideologically predisposed to a malign neglect.By Libby Watson
Trump’s OSHA Is Fining Companies Pennies for Pandemic Violations America’s workplace watchdog has been largely AWOL during the most significant public health crisis in our lifetime.By Timothy Noah
There Is No Such Thing as a Conservative Workers’ MovementPundits and think tanks seem to love it, but it’s a meaningless phrase in the modern Republican Party.
By J.C. Pan
The New York Times Discovers a Manhattan Makeover for Nu-Tenant Farming A nifty name and a sleek aesthetic can’t hide the fact that the wealthy are just rehashing centuries-old exploitative labor practices.By Nick Martin
Black Cinema Matters Black films have championed Black lives for over 100 years—while white America studiously ignored them.By Artel Great


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