Plus, why Krysten Sinema is wrong about the filibuster, and more...
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February 25, 2021
Kyrsten Sinema’s Self-Defeating, Nonsensical Defense of the Filibuster

The Arizona senator is almost single-handedly keeping Democrats from wielding their majority power—and the party may well lose that power as a result.

By Matt Ford


The Case for a Permanent Stimulus Climate change guarantees more crises ahead. Relief measures should kick in automatically.By Kate Aronoff
The Bipartisan Assault on Public Schools Betsy Devos was no exception in education. She pushed an agenda that Republicans and Democrats have strangely united behind for years.By Diane Ravitch
What If We Pay People to Stop Using Drugs? Traditional treatments often take place in expensive facilities, demand total abstinence, and rely on punitive methods of control. A harm reduction model turns all of that on its head.By Zachary Siegel


The Desperate Need for a Covid-19 Commission America wasn’t ready for the pandemic. Reckoning with those mistakes is the only way it won’t be worse the next time.By Matt Ford
Why Are Literature and Philosophy Such an Awkward Match? A new anthology reveals the perils and rewards of philosophical fiction.By Sheon Han


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