The story was the same all the way through the end of January. That is extra income that could go toward that next big goal, building the emergency fund, or just treating your family to a nice restaurant meal. All from just clicking a few buttons before the market closes. By clicking the link above you agree to periodic updates from ProsperityPub and its partners (privacy policy) Of course, not every trade was a winner, and losses are part of the game. But with this strategy, the opportunities are consistent enough for a shot at turning overnight market moves into cash. It's a straightforward system that doesn't require complex indicators or options strategies—just a few minutes each day, and you're off to the races. Ready to see how it works? Tap here for the full breakdown. By clicking the link above you agree to periodic updates from ProsperityPub and its partners (privacy policy)
The profits and performance shown are not typical. We make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money. The majority trades expressed are from historical back tested data unless otherwise stated in order to demonstrate the potential of the system. The average return per LIVE trade (winners and losers included) is 5.35% per trade overnight and a 88.5% win rate with an average winner of 17.59%. Every Overnight Options trade targets roughly $823 in income based on a $5,000 starting stake, and every example is based on that same starting investment unless otherwise stated, however you do not need that much to get started. The average cost per trade is less than $100 per contract. We cannot guarantee any specific future results, as there is always high degree of risk involved in trading. |