Jambo John,

I’m excited to share something with you that’s made my life better, which may do the same for you…

The 21-DAY Automatic Writing Adventure starts in 6 DAYS!

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You may be wondering, what is automatic writing???

In a nutshell, it’s getting into a creative “zone” through a combination of intention and relaxation, in which you “channel” your higher self, angels, guides, and loved ones on the other side.

The results can be ASTOUNDING.

I still remember my first experience with automatic writing…

I was struggling to finish the introduction of my first manuscript.  

I had been “creatively blocked” for months, so I said to myself: “You’re NOT ALLOWED to leave this porch, come hell or high water, until you’ve written it!”

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the words started pouring through me… I got up and RAN through the house, into my office, and started typing furiously at the computer UNTIL THE ENTIRE INTRODUCTION WAS DONE. 💥💥💥

I couldn’t believe it. I’ll never forget that feeling, and I continue to summon it every time I sit down to write a new Note from the Universe or book manuscript. 

It was the beginning of getting out of my own way, and this is what awaits you too, John… 

Are you ready to tap into it? Click here to write with us each day.

Get ready for your entire life to change… 

P.S. John, we’re all channels when we get out of our own way, and we can channel all kinds of things: a story, a book, music, an idea, a game plan, a strategy… Watch this video to learn more! 

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