Plus, the War on Terror’s cancer crisis, and more…
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March 21, 2023


Arresting Donald Trump Would Not Be Good for Donald Trump
Many are arguing that criminal charges would help the former president’s reelection campaign. They’re wrong.
by Alex Shephard
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In oral arguments Monday, the conservative justice seemed like she might actually side with the liberals.
by Matt Ford
More than 500,000 active-duty soldiers have been diagnosed with cancer over the past two decades.
by Michael Venutolo-Mantovani
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Director Davy Chou’s second movie is an adoption story for an age of ambivalence.
by Jasmine Liu
He promised a “digital town square” when he bought Twitter. He has instead promoted right-wing conspiracy theories about Covid-19, Democrats—and even Twitter itself. Welcome to the libertarian superhero capitalist’s conception of the commons.
by Alex Shephard
From the archives:
How did facial hair win American men’s hearts and minds? Thank the war on terror.
by Adrian Bonenberger and Adam Weinstein

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