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September 9, 2022


Kevin McCarthy’s Desperate Bid to Prove the Republican Party Has Ideas
His Gingrich-lite “Commitment to America” is short on actual policies and long on Trumpian insanity.
by Alex Shephard
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A 50-year-old law allows candidates—but not fundraising groups—to get discounted TV ad rates in the 60 days before the election. What does that mean for the home stretch of their campaigns?
by Walter Shapiro
An interview with Max Chafkin, author of “The Contrarian: Peter Thiel and Silicon Valley’s Pursuit of Power,” on how J.D. Vance and Blake Masters came to be part of Thiel’s political project
by Daniel Strauss and Grace Segers
Recent critiques of “presentism” fail to see that we can’t divorce the past from the present—and that supposedly objective scholarship has long promoted racist narratives and suppressed Black history.
by Keisha N. Blain
From the archives:
Once, the United States claimed egalitarianism as a central ideal. What happened?

by Heather Souvaine Horn


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