Dear John,
If you’re struggling to be a better parent, teacher, mentor, or leader at home right now, my friend Mark Timm understands.
He has six kids at home.
Mark believes you already have the skills and knowledge to calm the chaos. You just need to know how to apply them to your family life.
Mark and I have had many conversations over the last several years about how deeply my Dad impacted him.
And you know, this reminded me of a conversation that I had with my dad years ago.
We were talking about the huge stadium events, over 30 a year that averaged more than 12,000 people wanting to improve their business skills. People waited in line for hours to get his autograph.
What stands out to me most, was when a family would come through the line. Dad would stop everything, come around the table, and get on eye level with each of the kids and encourage them one by one. Why? Because Dad believed in his heart that families were the ones that really needed his message.
Wow. Dad really wanted to create an impact in families.
Who do you want to greatly impact in your lifetime?
I’m betting most of you would answer…. Your FAMILY.
If you want to become a mentor to your family right now, it’s time to get intentional about it. If you’re not mentoring your family, who is?
Today, I want to share something I am very excited about. Mentor to Millions is the #1 parenting book on Amazon written by Kevin Harrington & Mark Timm. It is inspired by the many lessons they learned from my dad, and it is Ziglar proof. It helps you to not only become a better leader, but to make your family better leaders... to grow together.
They are now offering the kindle version of Mentor to Millions for 99 cents.
Make today count— It’s the best dollar you’ll spend in 2020.
Choose To Win!