Concerts from Australian Youth Orchestra Music Camp | Voting analysis from the Classic 100
| | | | | With all of classical music to choose from, the top place in this year's Classic 100 was always going to be a tough contest. Here's how you voted. | | | |
| | | | | Hear performances from the Australian Youth Orchestra’s Autumn Music Camp. Listen online now and 1pm, Friday 18 June. | | | |
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| | | | Blending the grand traditions of Venetian sacred music with the new world of the Baroque, hear Pinchgut Opera perform Monteverdi’s Vespers. | | | |
| | | | | Join Dan Golding on Screen Sounds for a wrap on your top-voted screen music in this year’s Classic 100, including The Mission, Out of Africa and more. | | | |
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| | | | Ed Ayres shares a surprising conversation he had with his student about music practice — or rather, playing music. | | | |
| | | | | From superstar Australian tenor Stuart Skelton, an album of soaring arias by Wagner, plus Samuel Barber’s sublime ‘Sure on This Shining Night’, and three songs by Charles Griffes — one of Skelton’s personal favourites! | | | |
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