The science behind clear glass — Why far away stars are responsible for the rise in theft
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February 19, 2023

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The science of love

The science of love

Love is a complex and intricate emotion. We all yearn for love, but the pain can be overwhelming when it's lost. While it's true that it originates in the chemistry of our brains, can science honestly explain love? Does it involve more than just chemical reactions?

Tap or click to discover the scientific reason we fall in love. →

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You can hear my show this weekend on 430+ top radio stations throughout the United States, streaming in your favorite radio app, and available as a podcast you can listen to any time at


Why is glass clear?

Why is glass clear?

If the Earth were one giant atom, the nucleus would be so small it would fit inside a baseball stadium. That means the rest of the world would just be electrons. So, if atoms are made of basically empty space, why doesn't light pass right through them? Why isn't everything and everyone transparent? And what makes some objects, like glass, see-through?

Tap or click to discover the amazing science behind glass. →

Neutron stars are responsible for the rise in theft

Neutron stars are responsible for the rise in theft

Over the last decade, catalytic converter theft has skyrocketed by more than 50%. Why the rise, you might ask? Well, the precious metals that go into making these components are more expensive now than 10 years ago, of course. But to learn why catalytic converters are so valuable, you have to go back millions of years to when these metals were formed in the heart of a neutron star.

Tap or click to find out what makes these metals so valuable. →

Can we be sure we went to the moon?

Can we be sure we went to the moon?

The moon landing was over 50 years ago, but there are still skeptics who wonder if the whole thing was fake. Even though some of their theories sound convincing, they're bogus — and the proof is easier to find than you may think.

Tap or click to see the proof we actually went to the moon. →


Ditch QuickBooks and upgrade your business to the No. 1 cloud solution

Ditch QuickBooks and upgrade your business to the No. 1 cloud solution

This is it. The putt to win the tournament. If you sink it, the championship is yours. But on your backswing, your hat falls over your eyes. Is this how you're running your business? Poor visibility because you're still relying on spreadsheets and outdated finance software?

To see the full picture, you need to upgrade to NetSuite by Oracle. Gain visibility and control of your financials, inventory, HR, planning, budgeting and more. With NetSuite, you can automate your processes and close your books in no time while staying well ahead of your competition. Approximately 93% of surveyed businesses increased their visibility and control after upgrading to NetSuite. Over 32,000 businesses already use NetSuite.

NetSuite has a new financing program for those ready to upgrade! Head to for this special, one-of-a-kind financing offer on the No. 1 financial system for growing businesses. →



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