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The Top Stories of the Week
March 25, 2016

Question of the Week

We want to hear from you

This month, U.S. News & World report published not only its rankings of the nation's law schools but data about the tuition and fees charged by these schools.

The law school with the most expensive annual tuition? Columbia Law School, which charges $62,700 per year. The least-expensive route to a JD would be in-state tuition at the University of North Dakota School of law, which is $11,161 per year.

This week, we'd like to ask you: How much did you pay in law school tuition? Scholarships can be taken into account. We also encourage you to noting the year you graduated and which school you attended.

Answer in the comments.

Read the answers to last week's question: Are associates at your firm allowed to present arguments in court?

Featured answer:

Posted by Former associate: "I'm a plaintiffs lawyer, so we have more leeway here. Yes, we send associates to argue, after they have adequate training, and have watched several arguments. My defense friends tell me the reason they don't is that their clients insist on 'the lawyer they hired' going to court for everything. It's really a problem for some defense firms, because they'll have junior partner litigators who can't get a piece of a trial or motion despite being there for 10 years. Makes it a lot harder for those folks to attract new clients as they come up."

This Week's Featured Blawg

From our Blawg Directory

Ginger Law Librarian

A blog about all things academic law libraries and legal research. The author also discusses issues in law schools and legal writing.
