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What mental toll has COVID had on your patients and healthcare staff? What can you do?
Tuesday, December 22, 2020

News Headlines

DNV GL says CMS Oks some reaccreditation surveys remotely

DNV GL Healthcare just announced that CMS is now allowing it to conduct full, deemed, reaccreditation surveys remotely, under certain conditions.

ECRI provides lessons learned on COVID-19 vaccine rollout

As you launch COVID-19 vaccine operations, experts caution: Freeze or chill, but do not shake. Both the vaccine and its storage in dry ice require careful handling.


NIOSH says FFRs with exhalation valves just as effective at control of disease sources

Filtering facepiece respirators (FFR) with exhalation valves, as well as a surgical mask or an unregulated face covering, can reduce a wearer’s aerosol emissions, according to a report released on December 9 by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). With modifications, the respirators can offer the same level of source control as FFRs without exhalation valves.


Newsletter Articles

Mental health and COVID-19: Study finds bilateral impact

A new study has found that 18.1% of COVID-19 patients are diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder such as depression, anxiety, or insomnia within 90 days of receiving their COVID-19 diagnosis, 5.8% for the first time.

COVID-19 and physician burnout: How health systems can help reverse it

Nearly 60% of physicians surveyed reported feelings of burnout, compared to 40% in 2018. Half of the physicians surveyed reported experiencing anger, tearfulness, or anxiety due to the pandemic’s effect on their practice or employment.


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The CMS Conditions of Participation and Interpretive Guidelines

Compliance with the Conditions of Participation (CoP) is required to meet Medicare and Medicaid hospital regulations. While CMS posts updates to the CoPs on its website, they are often difficult to search and lengthy, not to mention tedious to print.

This is where HCPro comes in! We have taken the most recent version of CMS’ CoPs and the corresponding Interpretive Guidelines (IG) and reprinted them in an easy-to-use format to simplify your job. CMS updates the CoPs a few times a year. This new edition contains the most recent CoPs and Survey and Certification memos, which include new requirements on discharge planning, burden reduction, and antibiotic stewardship.

Order now! 


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Contact the Editor

Brian Ward, Associate Editor
