A few weeks ago... 

I asked my team what I could be doing better as a leader and CEO.

And was surprised by the response I got from one of my team members... 

"Craig, the biggest thing is that we need you to take more time away from the business to do big picture thinking and get clarity on our vision." 

I know it might sound a little paradoxical... 

...But he was right. 

This year I've spent too much time working IN the business... 

But not enough time working ON and thinking about the business. 

So I decided to shift my schedule and take Fridays "off". 

Meaning I'm spending that time thinking about the business and how to take it to the next level... 

But not handling any of the day to day tasks like coaching calls, meetings, client emails, or filming. 

I'm still getting into the groove with this new habit... 

And it's actually a lot harder for me to do than I expected. 

But I'm already seeing a BIG return on this time in terms of getting clarity and asking the right questions. 


If YOU want to grow your business to the next level. 

And increase your income, impact, and influence while working less... 

You must remember that: 

"Problems cannot be solved from the same level of thinking at which they were created." 

You need to step outside your business to fix the problems inside your business. 

And if you aren't setting aside time each week... 

Even if it's only 2-3 hours

...To sit and think deeply about your vision, your mission, and the path forward. 

You're leaving money on the table guaranteed. 

So my challenge for you this weekend is to get away from your business tomorrow morning. 

No email. No phone. No "work" of any kind. 

Get out of your house and office and go somewhere inspiring for 2-3 hours and just think

You'll be surprised by the solutions you discover. 

To Your Success, 

P.S. In case you're wondering... yes I did write this email yesterday to make sure it didn't interuppt my "thinking time" today ;) 


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