Here’s what to expect—and hope for—in 2022.
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December 27, 2021
The first year of Biden’s presidency began with ambitious plans, and it’s ending with a whimper. Here’s what to expect—and hope for—in 2022.
The Most Important Thing Biden Can Do in 2022
This year isn’t ending the way Democrats had hoped. But there’s a way the president can transform Americans’ lives without Congress’s help: bust up monopolies.
by Michael Tomasky
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The Build Back Better Act was probably the last best chance for immigration reform for a long time. And even that didn’t offer much.
by Felipe De La Hoz
Biden needs to ditch his old-fashioned ideas about marijuana and realize that legalization is a winning bipartisan issue—something he desperately needs in 2022.
by Alex Shephard
The losers of wars often are made to pay for the damage and suffering they’ve caused. America should be no exception.
by Timothy Kudo
If he is, then he shouldn’t let Manchin stop him.
by Kate Aronoff
Democratic lawmakers will return from the holidays with a long list of uncompleted chores and unresolved issues.
by Grace Segers
In order to avert a catastrophe for democracy, the party must get over its Joe Manchin problem ahead of the 2022 midterms.
by Walter Shapiro
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